Sunday, November 12, 2017

Renovation 2017

Thanks to everyone who has donated, last month we have managed to renovate the bulk of our live animal displays.

As we have increased our animal welfare, we have reduced our collection greatly to only have animals which serve an educational purpose and/or cannot be released. The non-native species are kept off-show in an area we have rented. 

Also we have increased our educational value, to highlight several issues in Indonesia. All the infographics are done in an easy-to-understand manner (e.g. cartoons and pictures, minimal text), in order to get more interest for those visiting. Our signage for each animal for example, consists of a photograph of the species, it's common, local and scientific name, and symbols indicating it's diet, habitat and venom toxicity.

In the river section, we talk about the invasive species problem, mainly in the turtle enclosure, where we tell the story of how the red-eared slider from America threatens the survival of our native black marsh turtle, which we have on display. Next to it, we have a wall highlighting the rubbish issue in the river, having a display of various types of rubbish, it's effects on humans and the ecosystem, and what people can do to help. We also have on display an aquarium of native fish and water snakes of the Ciliwung River. 

Next we have a Poison & Venom section, where we try to educate people about poison and venom, their differences and the biology of the creatures that possess it. Therefore we have a representation of a poisonous animal (river toad), venomous animal (spitting cobra), and a poisonous and venomous animal (red-necked keelback). We try to include several fun-facts about these animals, for instance the fact that the keelback will feed on toads and sequester the poison, making it highly toxic. However, the main issue lifted here is the snakebite issue in Indonesia. We try to educate people using posters and cartoons on how to prevent snakebite, the correct first aid for snakebite, common practice of incorrect first aid, and the lack of antivenom.

However, we do not want people to dislike snakes due to the existence of snakebite. In our next section, we talk about why reptiles are important to us and the ecosystem, and the common misunderstandings of snakes. Here we have on display two species of common green snakes, which are both often considered to be dangerous. However, the vine snake is harmless whereas the bamboo pit viper is highly venomous. We have a poster containing pictures of the two and showing the differences between them to enable locals to better understand the animals around them.

However, we still need funding to maintain our off-show area, which we have rented in order to keep rescued animals which cannot be released, and as a quarantine and rehabilitation facility for animals which will be on display and/or released in the future. 

Next year we plan to add some non-living educational material, such as videos, skeletons, books, etc. Also if all goes well, we plan to have more live animals (a tokay gecko enclosure, and an amphibian one as well) in the empty space that we have. Any donations would be greatly appreciated, no matter how small.

Monday, October 3, 2016



- Panduan identifikasi bergambar jenis-jenis ular di Jabodetabek
- 184 Halaman 
- Hard Cover
- Lebih dari 200 foto dan ilustrasi
- Dua bahasa (Indonesia & Inggris)
- Menjelaskan tentang biologi ular, hubungan manusia dengan ular, konservasi, dan keragaman ular
- Dilengkapi dengan bagian "Pertolongan Pertama Gigitan Ular Berbisa"

Harga : Rp 250.000,00/buku

Cara pemesanan (Lokal, Seluruh Indonesia):
SMS/WA ke 085715768035 dengan format

Terima kasih



- Identification guide for snakes in the Jabodetabek area (West Java)
- 184 Pages

- Hard Cover
- Over 200 photographs and illustrations
- Bilingual (English & Indonesian)
- Discusses snake biology, the relationship between snakes and humans, conservation and snake diversity
- Includes "First Aid of Venomous Snake Bite"

How to Order (International) :

Friday, July 29, 2016

Festival ARK 2016

Pada tanggal 23 Juli kami mengisi stand pameran di Festival Amfibi Reptil Kita, Museum Zoologi Kebun Raya Bogor, Sekaligus peluncuran buku "Mengenal Ular Jabodetabek" yang ditulis oleh pendiri CRC, Nathan Rusli.
On the 23rd of July, we opened a stand during the Amphibian and Reptiles Festival at Zoology Museum, Bogor Botanical Gardens, along with the book launching of "Snakes of Jakarta and its Surroundings" by CRC's founder, Nathan Rusli.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Kemarin pada tanggal 11.11.2015 kami membuka booth sosialisasi/edukasi tentang ular di Ciliwung dalam rangka memperingati Hari Ciliwung 2015 dengan tema "Restorasi Ciliwung Biodiversity Park" di Condet, Jakarta Timur. Perayaan peringatan Hari Ciliwung dilatarbelakangi oleh ditemukannya bulus raksasa/senggawangan (Chitra javanensis) di sungai Ciliwung Tanjung Barat, Jakarta Selatan pada tanggal 11.11.2011 yang berukuran panjang sekitar 1,5 meter dan berat lebih dari 200 kilogram. Ini merupakan suatu peringatan bahwa masih ada keanekaragaman hayati di Ciliwung yang harus dilestarikan. Maka dari itu, setiap tanggal 11 November dirayakan peringatan Hari Ciliwung setiap tahun.
Perayaan Hari Ciliwung tahun ini dihadiri oleh beberapa orang-orang penting, antara lain Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Bapak Djarot Syaiful Hidayat, yang secara simbolis menerima replika senggawangan dan menanam pohon, kemudian juga sempat mengunjungi stand kami dan menyentuh ular serta berdiskusi mengenai ular yang ada di Ciliwung.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Presentasi program Ciliwung Reptile Center pada acara Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup di hotel Sahira Butik, Bogor. 13/09/2015.

Pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2015, kami melakukan presentasi mengenai program kami, yaitu snake patrol dan pembuatan buku 'Mengenal Ular Jabodetabek' pada "South East Asia Symposium on Herpetology and Envenomation" di Universtitas Brawijaya, Malang.

Pada hari Senin, 14 September, 2015,  kami berkunjung ke Museum Zoologi Bogor - LIPI Cibinong di mana kami belajar banyak hal mengenai herpetofauna dan mendapatkan pengalaman baru dan bermanfaat di sini. Terimakasih kepada pihak MZB dan LIPI, terutama Dr. Amir Hamidy yang telah membimbing dan sharing pengetahuan dan pengalaman bersama kami.